
Welcome to Whittle & Weave – a friendly small business, bending sticks and twisting leaves into beautiful baskets.

Working with sustainably grown materials and offering basket weaving workshops.


Willow is a fantastic material to work with – fast growing, supple and incredibly strong. I mainly work with the varieties Black Maul, Dicky Meadows, Flanders Red and Brittany Green as well as buff and white willow that has had the bark stripped off. I love the natural earthy tones of these willows, which is all grown sustainably, here in the UK.


Rush is a joy to weave – supple and gentle on the hands. I work with English Bulrush, also know as Common Club Rush (Schoenoplectus Lacustris). These long soft leaves are sustainably harvested during the summer then left to dry where they fade to a variety of beautiful golden and green tones.

Twisty leaves

I can’t walk past long leaves without picking some to see how they twist into cordage. These tiny baskets are so fun to make – all made from leaves foraged from understanding neighbours gardens.

Get in touch

If you would like to join me for a basket weaving workshop, or if you would like me to make you a bespoke basket, I’d love to hear from you